Tuesday, February 14, 2012
New Shipping Rates and New Tights design
Hey everyone!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!! <3 I hope everyone is enjoying themseleves. ;)
I have new updates on our online shop! We now offer free shipping in the United States and $1 shipping for international. Please come an check it out.
We are also happy to introduce tights that will be avalilable soon for pre order!! They will be avaliable in lavender with black polka dots and lavender with pink polka dots. Please keep an eye out on these in our shop:http://kawaiicarnival.storenvy.com/
Thank you for stopping by. :)
Monday, December 19, 2011
Tune in Tokyo and Cherry Jelly Productions event and Sneak Peeks!
I know it's only one day away, and if any of you are in the LA area please check out; Tune in Tokyo and Cherry Jelly Productions 12/21 event "AKIHABARA WINTER WONDERLAND." I will be launching some my new products.
Here are the previews:
This is my new "Star Burst" giant bows. These have the two way clips in the back and you can clip or pink it everywhere!
Here is a close up of the "Star Burst" giant bow. This is really great if you want to make a statement with your outfits.
These are my new "Fairy Wish" cell phone charms. This is perfect for any phone or bag, if you need that extra bling. I made this with the thought of one of my friends, Danielle, who likes cute things, but she prefers a more mature and classical attire.
I hope to see many of you guys there!
Thanks for reading. :3
Kawaii Carnival,
sneak peek
Sunday, December 18, 2011
T'was the Night Before Christmas (Lolita Meet-up)

Hi Everyone!!
I hope every one is enjoying there weekend. :D It has been a great weekend for me because my boyfriend took me to this awesome lolita meet up that Oli, Amber, and Tani has set up. There were so many lolitas that were beautifully dressed. *__* I was so impressed. I had such a lovely time and I hope that all the people who went to the meet up had fun too.
The meet up consisted a swap meet/ boutique, which I participated in. I have some new products for my shop, Kawaii Carnival at the meet. (I will post pictures of my new products soon.) ^^ Most of at the boutique were doing some major shopping. There were so many cute items that I wanted to buy, which were just killing me. Anyways, after everyone did their morning shopping, we headed towards the main event which was the tea party. Each table was nicely decorated with Christmas motifs, which I just adore; and each seat was presented with a plate of food. On the plate we had a scone, two tea cakes, a piece cumber sandwich, a piece of a chicken salad sandwich, and a mini chocolate cupcake. The drinks that were served were water with sliced of cumber for taste, and tea. There were also different music that was playing, some of them set the mood and some were a little dark or hard core. I think some of the music was a little hard core because this meet up was also celebrating Halloween as well.
During the tea party, there were prizes that were given away to the first 30 people who arrived early. There was also a contest for three people who were best dressed for the event. One of my friends, Angela, won for best dressed as a Christmas theme. She was really adorable in her outfit. After that we had a Secret Santa exchange for all those who brought gifts. I didn't bring any because I didn't have time. ;3; Then there was a bingo game that came right after. My boyfriend was so cute ,he teamed up with Ariane's husband and they had two and three bingo cards, and they still lost every game. lolz. In the end of the games, it consisted of four winner. I lost each time.;__; It was fun any who. :D When the tea party was over we went back to the boutique and did some more shopping. lolz. When the clock stroke five, all the venders had to pack up and everyone had to leave, and we said our good byes and await for the next meet up. ^0^
I wish I have gotten more pictures taken, but I was so preoccupied. I feel so bad. Here are also some pictures that my boyfriend took:
Eveyone sitting at the table. ^^
From the left: Sami, me, Sara, Flora, Mie
From the left: me, Danielle, and Sami
From the left: Sara, me, and Angela (who won best dressed)
From the left: Janet and I.
From the left: Mia and I. She came from Canada to visit and saw that there was a lolita meet up in LA and attended.
From the left: Tara and I.
Frome the left: me, Tara's friend ( I forgot her name. ;__;), and Tara.
Ariane and her husband. ^^ My bf was having fun with this one. :D haha.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! :3
Thank you for reading! :3
good times,
lolita meet-up
Saturday, August 6, 2011
New Logo and Pastel Pony
Hey everyone!
As you can see I changed my logo and my background design. Lemontree111 helped me color the bear.What do you think?
I also posted some cute items on my etsy shop:KawaiiCarnival
This is one that I made awhile back is called, Pastel Pony.
Please let me know what you guys think about my design. Is this something you would wear or is it too extreme? Should I ton it down or keep going with the same direction?
Thank you for reading!
fairy kei,
Kawaii Carnival,
new items,
pastel vomit,
Monday, August 1, 2011
Anime Expo 2011 update and Kawaii Carnival shop news
Hey everyone!
It's been a while since I have updated.
Well, during the month of July, I attend AX 2011 and I had an Artist Alley both there. It was so much fun, but a lot of work. I met some awesome people at AX. This year it was really crowed on Saturday and Sunday at the exhibitor hall, more than last year. I think it's because of the awesome Miku concert that was held there.
Here are also some pictures that other people took:
This is our booth taken by the LA weekly. lolz my face.http://www.laweekly.com/slideshow/anime-expo-2011-day-one-friday-33682270/32/
This is me and Roxanne, who looks awesome Sailor Pluto. I was so happy that my boyfriend asked her and her boyfriend to come to my booth. I am such a big fan of Sailor moon, and I was so happy to see her cosplay as a sailors scout. *nostalgic*
I think this is me on the third day of AX. My friend Sami took this picture. <3
There are more pictures but they are not mine, so please check out LA weekly or my friend's blog:
There are more pictures but they are not mine, so please check out LA weekly or my friend's blog:
Here is a video my friend Evelin made about our shop:
I also have a Facebook page for my shop: Kawaii Carnival. So please "like" my page if you haven't already.
I will be update new items there, and here is my Etsy Shop: Kawaii Carnival on Etsy
Thank you so much for reading!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Kawaii Carnival and Collab with Kawaii Goods
I just started my online shop after six months or so of contemplating. lolz. I am really excited! I have always wanted to own my own shop for a very long time and it's finally in the process. Plus, I really enjoy crafting and creating new accessories. I have to admit that opening a shop is alot of work, but it really paid off.
Here are my pages:
Etsy page: http://www.etsy.com/shop/KawaiiCarnival?ref=si_shop
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kawaii-Carnival/120483074702221
Anyways here are some of the stuff I make:
"Wish Upon a Star" 2 way clip
"Starry Sky" with HK bow clip
*Sneak Peek.*
This is what Kawaii Carnival and Kawaii Goods are collaborating on.
Thank you so much for reading!
lolita shop,
sneak peek,
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Canon Camera and Rilakkuma Get
I hope that everyone has had a wonderful week. ^^ Yesterday, I got my Canon 12.1 mega pixel camera in the mail. I have been needing a compact camera for a while and I have been putting it off because I thought my SLR would be efficient,which it is, but I cannot carry that thing around with me everywhere. It is to heavy and on top of that I take to carry a 3 to 5 pound purse with me, daily. I just think I have to be prepare wherever I go. Plus, it is really inconveinet at a lolita meet-up.
I really love my new camera, it takes fantastic picture as we can see below. My boryfriend took me to the Rilakkuma store near his house to get me a camera case. While it's rare for me to get one thing of Rilakkuma. I also go this cute key chain with Rilakkuma on a stack of pancakes. lolz. It really reminds me of my boyfriend because he really likes my pancakes. lolz. XD
Anyways here are some snap shot pictures that my boyfriend took of me at the store. <3
I love the new bag that they have at the store. <3
All the goodies! *__*
I love the camera bag, it really looks like a retro camera. ^^
Thanks for reading!
*Look at the cute kitty. I want one so bad.*
canon camera,
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