Hi Everyone!
Have you ever had some body or some thing that inspired you? I was looking back in how I got into lolita, and how I came to love this fashion so much.
During my rebellious years dressing as a goth in high school is when I found out about the famous Mana from "Malice Mizer" or his current band "Moi dix Moite." I honestly thought he was a girl, until one day one of my friends told me he is a guy. I have to admit I was shocked to death because he makes such a pretty girl. Anyways, when I found out about him is when I really got into lolita. I tried to find some authentic lolita dresses, but at the time it was really hard to obtain because one, lolita wasn't that popular in the US and two, I didn't know where to get actual lolita items. lolz. So, I guess you can say that I started off as an ita. haha *We all had to start some where."
When I got into college I met girls who really knew about the fashion and where to get them. I met a girl by the name of Anya, who told me all about Angelic Pretty (AP). This brought back my love for super cute and colorful thing. *__* We all know where Angelic Pretty is made out of, which is pastel vomit with tons of sugar rush. What really got me into wear actual lolita, instead of being an ita is; the previous model for AP, Amo. I know she has a full team of crazy make-up artist and photographers that make her look fabulous.Regardless, she is still adorable.
Now, I am inspired by alot of people and things. I really enjoy lolita fashion so much. Through out the years, lolita has expanded to a broader spectrum making it very versatile. These are the people and things that inspired me in this fashion.
I hope you enjoyed this entry.
Thank you for reading!